Monday, July 7, 2014

Wild blueberry season in NH is almost here! A hike up Gap Mountain in Troy NH

In the summer I try to go on a hike every week.  Some hikes are challenging, some easy.  What I look forward to the most is when blueberry season starts (who doesn't like free hiking snacks?).

Yesterday I did an exploratory hike of Gap Mountain in Troy, NH.  This 2.6 round trip hike is fee free, simple, and the blueberry reward is huge.  I think they will be peaking in about 2 weeks (mid July) There were very few ripe blueberries yesterday, only enough to put on my cereal this morning.   This mountain top is COVERED with high bush blueberries.

At the top, you can wander along winding trails between the bushes, picking as you go.  The bushes are 6-8 feet tall so you feel like you are alone even if other families are sharing the experience.  We even discovered some secluded stone armchairs on one side that had a great view of the valley.  Every year I pick a few pints of berries to freeze so I can make muffins and pancakes all winter.

Have fun!  Remember to bring sturdy covered containers for your pickings so your berries survive the trip back down in your backpack.

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